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Sunday, June 19, 2011

trbute to dressed and shoes on stardoll? Free?

Well, I do not know how people are getting free tribute to chanel tweed strpless dress's or herve ledger heels or Sonia.R heels or Roberto.C heels but, I for one have seen them in Starbazzar's across stardoll, I've checked my list of cheat sites to see if there is a way to get them and it seems there just.......appearing. I recieved the strapless chanel twedd dress and hot pink platform Herve Ledger heels, I have no idea how I got them. For, the Sonia.R heels I haven't got thoose i got them in Starbazzar.
Hey if anyone knows how to get these items let a friend know!

Friend me on Stardoll : Smile.Juicy


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm a new writer!

Hey what's up stardoll writers/ followers!

I have just joined and should be writing more about Stardoll. com soon! the blog looks great!